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2011 /01 /21
MITUTOYO收購Leeport Metrology Corporation股權

 三豐增購力豐量測公司(Leeport Metrology Corporation)41%的股權,加上原有股份之後,已佔有力豐公司51%的股權。往後三豐在華東以及華北地區的政策將更趨統一。 


Press Release January 21, 2011

 Mitutoyo Leeport Metrology Corporationの連結子会社化ついて

弊社は、Mitutoyo Leeport Metrology Corporation(以下MLC社)の株式2,170,000株を合弁先であるLeeport Machine Tool Company Limited(以下LMTC社)より本日追加取得し、MLC社を弊社の連結子会社と致しましたことをお知らせ致します(弊社はMLC社の発行済株式数の51%にあたる3,570,000株を保有)。

なお、MLC社の傘下には、販売会社であるMitutoyo Leeport Metrology (Hong Kong) Limited (在香港)及びMitutoyo Leeport Metrology (Dongguan) Limited(在中国広東省)が含まれております。



Press Release January 21, 2011

Agreement of additional share purchase of Leeport Metrology Corporation

Mitutoyo Corporation conditionally agreed to purchase 41% of the issued share capital of Leeport Metrology Corporation (hereinafter the Target Company) from Leeport Machine Tool Co.,Ltd. (hereinafter the Company) today by two phases to become a 51% shareholder of the Target Company. Common and unified strategies over China market including Central and North region will be further implemented as a Mitutoyo Group for the future. 

Mitutoyo Corporation and the Company have entered into the Strategic Alliance and Shareholders Agreement in order to strengthen the overall business alliance including sales, service and administration areas through the Target Company. The alliance intends to increase sales of Mitutoyo products and to enhance the quality of customer service and compliance in the fast growing market of China.

The Company is a subsidiary of Leeport (Holdings) Limited listed in Hong Kong Stock Exchange (stock code:0387).

from http://www.mitutoyo.co.jp/eng/new/news/2011/11_01.html